(I have chosen to artistically interpret the present struggle through the age old tale of "Alien vs Cliched Moustache Villian")
This post is for all of you, but especially for reader Cindy who was very curious as to the results of my AcneFree experiment. WELL..... drumroll please.....
I HAVE CANCELLED MY PROACTIV MEMBERSHIP. If actions speak louder than words, this is the most I can scream "YES!!!! FINALLY! A DRUGSTORE ALTERNATIVE TO PROACTIV THAT WORKS!!!" :-) :-) :-) I'm a happy happy girl.
So far I have tried the regular cleanser (the scrubby kind, it feels a bit less scrubby than Proactiv so you might want to use an occassional scrub or a washcloth if you are like me and scrub addicted) which works GREAT. This is the bottom line for me, even if I only use one of these cleansers (from Proactiv or AcneFree) and don't always follow up with the other products, I will NOT break out. YES! SWEET!
I have actually NOT purchased the toner or "repairing lotion" (I don't know what AcneFree calls them but that is what Proactiv called them - basically they are steps 2 and 3 of the system) because I am still working my way through extra proactiv I didn't use up yet, but I am SO SURE it will work after having tried the cleanser for some time that I really did cancel my Proactiv membership. Oh, and I also tried the 24 hour severe acne wash (a foam wash) because I was staying out of town and ran out of the cleanser and it was all I could find at the drug store, and it is a SERIOUS wash. Works well, really gets rid of any oil, I'm thinking I might use this as my emergency "there is an oil spill and its on my face oh why did I have to eat all those Doritos" face wash, as it is almost too strong for use 2 times a day for me.
Anyway, there is still further investigation to be done, but so far, ACNEFREE, I HEART you, I HEART you very much.