So right now if you visit and use the coupon code GJ51615 you can save an additional 15% off of anything on their already super affordable sale page (it says it expires 5/23/08 so I'm not sure if this means this is only good through today or through today and tomorrow, but either way, get to the shoppin', missy!)
There is lots of stuff to look at on their sale page, I found these shirts which I thought were cute:
ABERDEEN TOP $9 (with discount $7.65)

AXLE DRESS $8 (w/d $6.80)

JATARA TOP $14 (w/d $11.90)

MALENA TOP $9 (w/d $7.65)

BUT WHAT I REALLY REALLY DIG ARE THEIR SHOES (as anyone who reads this blog on a semi-regular basis will know, I believe Go Jane to have one of the most PHENOMENAL manmade material shoe selections ANYWHERE. But I must admit that I STILL have not gotten around to ordering their shoes yet. Lame, I know. But that will have to change today seeing as how all of these awesome styles are on SUPER SALE!!)
BUYER-S MPU FLAT $9 (w/d $7.65)


EXCEL-S PU MULE $7 (w/d $5.95)

JASMINE 10 PAT WEDGE $10 (w/d $8.50)

MELANIE-02 PAT MULE $6 (w/d $5.10)

MOVIE-S PLAID MULE $11 (w/d $9.35)

MUSHY PAT FLAT $9 (w/d $7.65)

ON-S STRP MULE $5 (w/d $4.25)

OVAL-S CRKPT FLAT $9 (w/d $7.65)

PEARL-11 PAT WEDGE $10 (w/d 8.50)

PUNCH-S ZCRK FLAT $9 (w/d $7.65)

REBA6 PU FLAT $6 (w/d $5.10)

SALYA-39 STRPU FLAT $10 (w/d $8.50)

SARA-16 FLAT $11 (w/d $9.35)

SERINA-44 CAN FLAT $9 (w/d $7.65)

TORA-60 PAT FLAT $10 (w/d $8.50)

VAPOR-S GPAT HEEL $12 (w/d $10.20)

As you can probably see, I'm sort of jonesing for brightly colored summer shoes, but of course most of these (and the clothing) are offered in other color options as well (although in fairness GoJane does really like the brightly colored shoes)...
So that's it. GO! RIGHT NOW! THE CLOCK IS TICKING!!! Oh, and if you get really carried away and order more than $75 worth of stuff, enter the code "FREESHIP" and get free standard shipping too. NICE.